How to Prep for a Home Remodel
No matter how excited you are for your home renovation, the remodeling process can be quite stressful. So, we have put together some tips that will help you successfully navigate the experience.
Organize Your Belongings
Take stock of the items in the room and/or rooms you will be remodeling. Will you be utilizing EVERYTHING in your new space? Do you need to regularly use certain items during construction? Separate your belongings into 4 groups: need now, store, sell and donate. Put unwanted items up for sale on Craigslist, eBay or other online platforms, or hold a yard sale. Drop off things you would like to donate at a thrift shop or arrange for pick up from local organizations. Getting rid of unwanted items BEFORE beginning the demo process will make moving back into the new space much easier, and depending upon your storage choice, may provide extra space to move in the other areas of your house during the remodeling.
Arrange for Storage
Now that you have pared down your belongings, you need to decide how you are going to store the keepers – both the things you will currently need and the things you want to save for the new space. If possible, place the “save” items in a spare room, basement or attic. If that is not possible or practical, you could rent a portable storage container for your driveway or bring your items to a storage unit. Keeping these items out of hallways and the non-renovated areas will make living in the rest of your home during the remodel much more enjoyable. As for the “need now” pile, figure out the best storage solution. If you are remodeling your bathroom, do you have space in a spare bathroom for these health and beauty products? If you are renovating a kitchen, do you have space in a dining room for a coffee maker, microwave and shelving or boxes for plates and utensils? Having a storage plan in place prior to starting the construction will be a sanity saver.
Prep to Protect
Dust and dirt are necessary, but unwanted, products of the construction process. They are impossible to avoid; however, proper prepping can help protect your furniture, floors, rugs, and décor. Block off doorways to other areas in the home with plastic sheeting, as well as keep interior doors closed, to help stop dust from traveling. Roll up rugs and store them in a safe space in the house so they don’t trap the dust and dirt settling from the air. Place paper runners or cardboard over floors to shield them from damage. Cover furniture and large décor items with sheets to try and keep them clean – plastic will be too slippery if you plan on sitting on the furniture during the remodel. Prepping before-hand may seem time consuming, but it will NOT be as time consuming as the cleanup after the remodel if you don’t take these steps.
Digitize Paperwork
Construction can bring chaos to your daily routine. Papers can get lost in the shuffle from room to room. To keep all your remodeling plans, receipts, and other important papers organized and available at your fingertips, covert them to digital files. Sounds complicated? It’s as easy as taking photos of them on your phone. To keep copies of these digital files safe, back them up to a hard drive or on the cloud – you can even email them to yourself.